Monday, May 5, 2014

english quize

Quiz: Enough & Too 2

Q1 - She couldn't sleep because she'd drunk _____ coffee.

Q2 - It was ____ without them trying to make things worse.

Q3 - I'd had ____ of their fighting.

Q4 - It's ____for us to walk there.

Q5 - I don't like ____salt in my food.

Q6 - There were____ people there.

Q7 - It cost ____ to buy.

Q8 - The government didn't have ____ to pass the law.

Q9 - We can use too + noun.
Q10 - We can use enough + noun.
Q11 - We can use adjective + enough.


angli hel

Sunday, April 27, 2014

англи хэл сурахад хэрэгтэй 10 сайт

Англи хэл бие даан суралцахад хэрэгтэй арван сайт

-Дунд болон дээд шатны оюутнуудад зориулсан англи хэлний дүрмийн дасгалууд.
2. , ,
-Англи хэл суралцагсдад зориулсан вэб хуудас.
-Үнэгүй интерактив ведио хичээл, асуулт хариулт, үгийн сүлжээ, англи хэл сурахад зориулсан мэдээлэлүүд.
-Англи хэл дээр унших чадварыг хөгжүүлэх дасгалууд, унших материалууд.
-Англи хэлний үнэгүй ведио хичээлүүд.
-Англиар харилцах чадвараа хөгжүүлэх хичээлүүд, англиар харицах найзтай болох, хаяг солилцох, англи хэлний хичээлүүд.
-Англи хэлээ хэрхэн сайжруулах талаар үнэгүй онлайн зөвөлгөө авах, унших матерал авах, үгийн сангаа нэмэгдүүлэх, сонсох чадвараа дээшлүүлэх дасгалын хураамж.



Sunday, April 6, 2014

Англи хэл

Do you want to improve your English listening and English speaking?
Hello, I’m Jane Lawson, an English teacher in London with 20 years experience teaching English. I have developed a fast, effective and fun method to help you speak and understand real English. DailyStep will change the way you learn English!

Each DailyStep Audio English Lesson is:
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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Animals and their issues

Name of some animals and their young ones:
Hen young one is chick
Duck young one is duckling
Cat young one is kitten
Dog young one is puppy
Frog young one is tadpole
Butterfly young one is caterpillar
Buffalo young one is calf
Spider young one is spiderling
Pig young one is piglet
Owl young one is owlet
Kangaroo young one is joey
Goat young one is kid

Top 10 websites to learning english

Сайн байна уу? Та бүхэндээ энэ удаад Англи хэл онлайнаар сурах шилдэг 10 сайтыг(Top 10 Website to Learn English Online) танилцуулж байна. Уг сайтуудад англи хэл сурах талаар сонирхолтой хөгжилтэй байдлаар тайлбарласан байгаа. Хэл сурна гэдэг маань та биднээс байнгын идэвхи, хичээл зүтгэл шаардсан ажил байдаг. Өдөртөө цаг зав гаргаад нэг цагийн хугацаанд англи хэлээ давтаад шинэ зүйл сураад байвал алхам тутамдаа хөгжөөд байна л гэсэн үг. Тийм болохоор байнга тасралтгүй үзэх зарчимаар англи хэлийг өөрийн болгоорой. Та бүхэнд амжилт хүсэе.

1. Elllo - Сонсох чадвараа хөгжүүлэхийг хүсвэл энэ сайтаар зочилоорой. Дэлхий дээрхи өөр өөр төрлийн олон сэдвээр сонсох зүйлс энэ сайтад бий. Мөн англи дуу, видео бичлэг гэх мэт олон зүйл бий.

2. Fun Easy English - Англи хэлний дүрэм, тест, хэлц үг гэх мэт...

3. - British English хөгжилтэй байдлаар сурах, дуу сонсох, тоглоом тоглох гэх мэт

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Англи хэлний зүйр үгс

A drop in the bucket.
Далайд дусал нэмэр; дуслыг хураавал далай болно, дуулсныг хураавал эрдэмтэй болно.
үгчилбэл: хувинд нэг дусал.
A bad beginning makes a bad end.
Эх нь булингартай бол адаг нь булингартай
үгчилбэл: муу эхлэл нь муу төгсгөлд хүргэдэг.

A bird may be known by its songs.
Тураг шувууг дэвэлтээр нь, туурайт хөлгийг явдлаар нь
үгчилбэл: шувууг дуугаар нь таньж болно.

A fair face may hide a foul heart.
Могойн эрээн гадна хүний эрээн дотроо,гаднаа гяланцаг дотроо паланцаг
үгчилбэл: сайхан зүс царайны цаана муухай зүрх нуугдаж мэднэ.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Ядрах цагт нөхрийн чанар танигдана.

A honey tongue, a heart of gall.
Ам нь бал, ачир нь хал; хэлэн дээр чихэр, шилэн дээр хутга
үгчилбэл: бурман хэлтэй цөсөн зүрхтэй.

A lazy sheep thinks its wool heavy.

Залхуу хүн завагтаа махандаа хүрч чадахгүй
үгчилбэл: залхуу хоньд үс ноос нь хүнд.

A man can die but once. 
Нэг үхэхээс хоёр үхэхгүй
үгчилбэл: хүн нэг л удаа үхнэ.

A wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Бурхан дүртэй буг
үгчилбэл: хонины арьс нөмөрсөн чоно.

A word spoken is past recalling. 
Ам алдвал барьж болохгүй, агт алдвал барьж болно
үгчилбэл: хэлсэн үгийг буцааж болдоггүй.

An evil chance seldom comes alone.
Нэг бүдэрвэл долоо бүдрэнэ
үгчилбэл: зовлон ганцаараа ирэх нь ховор.

All are good lasses but where come the bad wives?
Алаагүй байхад үнэг сайхан, аваагүй байхад авгай сайхан
үгчилбэл: бүх бүсгүйчүүл сайхан байхад хаанаас муу эхнэр гарч ирдэг вэ?


New words

Англи хэлний өргөн хэрэглээний 200 үг 2-р хэсэг

January 25, 2012 at 1:47am
1. I see - Би ойлголоо
2. I quit! - Би болилоо
3. Let go! - Боль, тавьж явуул
4. Me too - Би ч гэсэн
5. I will do my best ! - Би чадах бүхнээ хийнээ!
6. No way! - Яг ш дээ.
7. Come on - Алив.
8. Hold on - Тэсээрэй/Жаахан хүлээгээрэй
9. I agree - Би зөвшөөрчихнө, би ч гэсэн
10. Not bad - муугүй шүү
11. Not yet - Одоохондоо арай болоогүй байна
12. See you - Баяртай
13. Shup up! - Амаа тат, дуугүй бай
14. So long - Мөд уулзая, түр баяртай
15. Why not? - Яагаад үгүй гэж
16. Allow me - Алив би хийе
17. Be quiet! - Чимээгүй!
18. Have fun! - Өөрийнхөөрөө байгаарай
19. Cheer up! –Жаахан хөгжилтэй байл даа
20. Good job! - Сайн ажиллаа,
21. How much? - Хэдий үнэтэй
22. I’m full - Би цадчихлаа
23. I’m home - Би гэртээ
24. I’m lost - Би төөрчихлөө
25. My treat - Би даая.

How to speak effectively over the phone?

Saturday, March 8, 2014

"The three little pigs" tale

The Three Little Pigs

English Folktale

Once upon a time there was an old sow who had three little pigs, and as she had not enough for them to eat, she said they had better go out into the world and seek their fortunes.
Now the eldest pig went first, and as he trotted along the road he met a man carrying a bundle of straw. So he said very politely:
"If you please, sir, could you give me that straw to build me a house?"
And the man, seeing what good manners the little pig had, gave him the straw, and the little pig set to work and built a beautiful house with it.
Now, when it was finished, a wolf happened to pass that way; and he saw the house, and he smelt the pig inside.
So he knocked at the door and said:
"Little pig! Little pig! Let me in! Let me in!"
But the little pig saw the wolf's big paws through the keyhole, so he answered back:
"No! No! No! by the hair of my chinny chin chin!"
Then the wolf showed his teeth and said:
"Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in."
So he huffed and he puffed and he blew the house in. Then he ate up little piggy and went on his way.
Now, the next piggy, when he started, met a man carrying a bundle of furze, and, being very polite, he said to him:
"If you please, sir, could you give me that furze to build me a house?"
And the man, seeing what good manners the little pig had, gave him the furze, and the little pig set to work and built himself a beautiful house.
Now it so happened that when the house was finished the wolf passed that way; and he saw the house, and he smelt the pig inside.
So he knocked at the door and said:
"Little pig! Little pig! Let me in! Let me in!"
But the little pig peeped through the keyhole and saw the wolf's great ears, so he answered back:
"No! No! No! by the hair of my chinny chin chin!"
Then the wolf showed his teeth and said:
"Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in!"


Present simple
We use the present simple to talk about actions we see as long term or permanent. It is a very common and very important tense.
Here, we are talking about regular actions or events.
  • They drive to the office every day.
  • She doesn't come here very often.
  • The news usually starts at 6.00 every evening.
  • Do you usually have bacon and eggs for breakfast?
Here, we are talking about facts.
  • We have two children.
  • Water freezes at 0° C or 32° F.
  • What does this expression mean?
  • The Thames flows through London.
Here, we are talking about future facts, usually found in a timetable or a chart.
  • Christmas Day falls on a Monday this year.
  • The plane leaves at 5.00 tomorrow morning.
  • Ramadan doesn't start for another 3 weeks.
  • Does the class begin at 10 or 11 this week?
Here, we are talking about our thoughts and feelings at the time of speaking. Although these feelings can be short-term, we use the present simple and not the present continuous.
  • They don't ever agree with us.
  • I think you are right.
  • She doesn't want you to do it.
  • Do you understand what I am trying to say.
эх сурвалж:


Sunday, March 2, 2014

"I love Mongolia" essay

Where does our motherland start from? In my personality it starts just little stone. Mongolia is my motherland. Mongolia is country blessed with magnificent naturel beauty, great history, vast land and friendly people. It is located in central Asia. Ulaanbaatar is the capital of the mongolia is a new modern beauty city in which there are many intresting museums theaters institutions industrul enterprises and glassy skyscraper. The country takes great pride in picturesque scenery natural parks mountains desert and dunes as well as arid plains an verdant steppes. The southern part of our country is marked by a unique beauty. Endless steppest tops of the mountain seem to prop the sky above them and at their feet the golden sand dunes glisten in the sun. It is very fantastic. I proud of my mongolian all things and I love Mongolia so much.
Бичсэн: Болормаа

How to write an essay?

How to write an essay?
If you know the steps and understand what to do, writing can be easy even fun.
Brief overview of the 10 essay writing steps
  1.  Research:  Begin the essay writing process be researching your topic, making yourself an expert.
  2. Analysis: Now that you have a good knowledge base, start analysing the argument of the essays you are reading. Clearly define the claims, write out the reasons, the evidence. 
  3. Brainstorming:  Your essay will require insight of your own, genuine essay writing brilliance. Ask yourself a dozen questions and answer them. Meditate with a pen in your hand
  4. Thesis:  Pick your best idea and pin it down in a clear assertion that you can write your entire essay around.
  5. Outline:  sketch out your essay before straightway writin it out.
  6. Introduction:  now sit down and write the essay. Introduction should grab the readers atthention  set up the issue and lead in to your thesis.
  7. Paragraphs: Each individual paragraphs should be focused on a single idea that supports your thesis. 
  8. Conclusion: Gracefully exit your essay by making a quick wrap up sentence and then end on some memoreble thought perhaps a quotation or  an interesting twist of logic or some call to action.
  9. MLA style: Format your essay according to the correct guidelines for cituition 
  10. Language: You"re not done writing your essay until you have polished  your language by correcting the grammar, making sentence flow  incoporeting rhythm empasis adjusting the formality giving it a level headed tone and making other intuivitive edits. 
эх сурвалж:  How to write an essay- номноос

we love english

англи дуу

Monday, February 24, 2014


англи хэл

Англи хэлний өргөн хэрэглээний 200 үг 1-р хэсэг

January 20, 2012 at 8:16pm
1. Achieve - хvрэх, гvйцээх, биелvvлэх
2. Agree - зeвшeeрeх, санал нэгдэх, дэмжих
3. Appreciate - таалагдах, илvv таалах, eндрeeр vнэлэх
4. Believe - найдах, итгэх,vнэмших
5. cheap - хямд, сул дорой, харамч
6. dream - зvvд, мeрeeдeл,сайхан зvйл
7. eager - хорхойсох, эрч хvчтэй
8. extremely - vнэхээр, яг, туйлын
9. feel - ухаж ойлгох, мэдрэх
10. free - чeлeeтэй, завтай vнэгvй
11. lead - удирдах, манлайлах, жолоодох
12. meet - учрах, уулзах, танилцах
13. need - хэрэгтэй байх, шаардагдах
14. secret - нууц, нуугдмал
15. succeed - амжилт олох, амжилтад хvрэх
16. sweet - анхилуун амттай, хeeрхeн
17. ability - мэдлэг,чадвар, авъяас
18. business - ажил, арилжаа vйл ажиллагаа
19. busy - завгvй, чeлeeгvй
20. consider - бодох, vзэх,....дагуу хэлэлцэх
21. delicious - амттай, таатай мэдрэмж
22. different - eeр, ялгаатай
23. difficult - хvнд хэцvv, бэрх ярвигтай
24. diligent - оролдлоготой, хичээнгvй
25. efficient - vр дvнтэй, чадварлаг
26. interesting - сонирхолтой, сонин
27. live - амьдрах, орших
28. million - сая
29. rich - элбэг, баян тансаг
30. sick - eвчтэй залхсан, гомдсон
31. silly - инээдтэй, тэнэг, ухаан муутай
32. think - бодох, vнэмших, санах, таамаглах
33. visit - зочлох, очих, айлчлах
34. wish - хvсэх, тэмvvлэх, ерeeх, хvсэл, дурлал
35. anybody - хэн нэгэн, хэн ч
36. anything - ямар нэгэн
37. benefit - ашиг тус, ашиг, тус хvртэх
38. depend - хамаарах, шалтгаалах
39. develop - хeгжих, хeгжvvлэх, дэвших
40. energy - энерги, чадавхи, эрч хvч
41. especially - ялангуяа, ерeнхийдee
42. essential - салшгvй, чухал, vндсэн
43. everybody - бvгдээрээ, хvн бvр
44. everything - юм бvр, бvх юм
45. excellent - онцгой сайн, гойд
46. expensive - vнэтэй
47. forget - мартах, умартах
48. fresh - цэнгэг, цэвэр, шинэ, эрvvл
49. generous - eглeгч, энгйин бус, eгeeмeр
50. guess  - таах, таамаглах, тeсeeлeх